Jesus And His Family

January 26, 2021, Tuesday
Memorial of Saints Timothy & Titus, Bishops (White)
RDGS: 2 TM 1:1-8 or TI 1:1-5/ PS 96:1-2. 2-3. 7-8. 10
GOSPEL: MK 3:31-35

The mother of Jesus and his brothers arrived at the house.

Standing outside, they sent word to Jesus and called him. 

A crowd seated around him told him,

"Your mother and your brothers and your sisters

are outside asking for you."

But he said to them in reply,

"Who are my mother and my brothers?"

And looking around at those seated in the circle he said,

"Here are my mother and my brothers.

For whoever does the will of God

is my brother and sister and mother."


Is Jesus rejecting his own mother and family? Not at all, but he is reminding his disciples that there is a kinship that takes priority over blood relations. It is centered on a radical call to be like him. A relationship with Him brings intimacy, like that of a mother, brother, or sister.

The essence of being a Christian is to widen our relationships – of trust, affection, commitment, loyalty, faithfulness, kindness, thoughtfulness, compassion, mercy, helpfulness, encouragement, support, strength, protection – all the qualities that bind people together in mutual love and unity.

Jesus invites me to call God my father and he recognizes me as one of his family. What more assurance do I need that Jesus walks with me?


Loving God, thank you for the gift of my parents and their unsparing, self-giving love. Thank you for the holy mother of Jesus, who is my mother too. The old Irish saying is always fresh in my heart: ‘We are related to God on his mother’s side’.